
Should You Move to SMT PCB Assembly?

If you have an older electronic design with through-hole components on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), PCB Trace Technologies Inc. recommends it is time for you to consider changing over to Surface Mount Technology (SMT). Not only will this have a direct impact on your manufacturing process in terms of cost and efficiency, but it […]

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Reducing Automotive PCB Defect Rates

Immediately after the communication industry, the automotive electronics industry is the biggest consumer of PCBs. Starting with traditional mechanical products and moving on to the computer age through the gradual evolution of information technology, the automotive industry has seen a wide and intelligent integration of mechanical, electrical, and electronic high-technology products for automotive applications. Whether […]

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PCB Manufacturing and 5G

The next generation wireless networking technology, namely 5G or fifth generation, is expectedly going to change the way people live and work. Compared to the latest technology today, the 4G LTE, 5G will be faster and capable of handling significantly more connected devices. Although 5G networks have started rolling out around 2018 in the US […]

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PCB Assembly Line Cleanliness

At PCB Trace Technologies Inc., we understand the importance of keeping the circuit board clean during the assembly processes, and effectively cleaning it again at the end. Usually, PCB assemblies collect various contaminants during the production process, and if the assembly line does not take proper care of cleaning, the contaminants could impact the ability […]

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Maximizing PCB Assembly Shelf-Life

OEMs prefer to finish their PCB design at the earliest possible, and start the assembly process with an urgency. Their aim is to bring their PCB design and development to the production phase so that they are ready for the market, before their competitors are. Unless they do all the above by taking care of […]

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Lead-Time Shortening for PCB Prototypes

If OEMs had their way, they would love to have a nil time-to-market. That way, they could take their idea to the market as soon as they thought of it, and this would give them the best way to test the success of their ideas. Unfortunately, things just do not work that way, and OEMs […]

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Is Vapor Phase Reflow Better than IR Reflow?

PCB Trace Technologies Inc. is always on the lookout for advanced technologies that cut down on the time for assembly, while improving the quality of the PCBs. One of the bottlenecks in the assembly line was the Infrared or IR reflow, which involved profiling each PCB type and consumed a huge amount of time in […]

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FAQ on Contract PCB Assembly

PCB Trace Technologies Inc. is an eminent contract manufacturer with several OEMs as our customers. We regularly field questions on contract PCB assembly from potential customers wanting to know how outsourcing partnerships might work out, as a part of their decision-making process. We have put together a few Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ as a […]

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Do You Really Need Via-in-Pad?

Vias are plated-through holes connecting copper lands or traces on two different layers in multi-layered printed circuit boards or PCBs. PCB Trace Technologies Inc. offers several types of vias, including: Through-Hole Vias: These are standard interconnecting holes that almost all printed circuit board use. Going all the through the thickness of the PCB, plated through-holes […]

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Debunking Contract Manufacturing Myths

PCB Trace Technologies Inc. has emerged as a choice for several electronic OEMs in recent years. Our customers understand the importance of remaining competitive in the market by maintaining a high quality of their products, while keeping their operating costs low. Manufacturing electronic products is a challenge and the industry operates on several technological evolutions […]

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Common PCB Assembly Defects

As an eminent SMT assembler, PCB Trace Technologies Inc. also aims to minimize all types of defects in PCB assembly. To realize and sustain improvements in product quality, we strive to gain an understanding of defects through their root causes. According to our long experience in PCB assembly and related services, the top three assembly […]

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Can PCBs Carry High Voltage?

PCB Trace Technologies Inc. produces high voltage PCBs and is an expert in their design and production. We follow international standards for high voltages on PCBs. For this, we isolate sections with high voltage from the rest of the PCB, and mark them with the international hazard symbols. Our team comprises leading design engineers with […]

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Avoiding Thermomechanical Failures in PTH

Although there can be several reasons for failure of plated through holes (PTH) in Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), the primary reason and most frequent is thermomechanical fatigue. PCB Trace Technologies Inc. has analyzed the typical failures in PTH induced by thermal and mechanical reasons. Apart from mechanical reasons such as twisting of a PCB resulting […]

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Looking for an expert solution for your company?

PCB Trace Technologies Inc. specializes in higher layer count PCBs, exotic materials, laser drill micro-vias, blind/buried vias, as well as conductive and non-conductive via fill.